Tagged: Fanfest

Orioles Fanfest (10 days later)

Fanfest was only 10 days ago, and last year I documented it extremely in depth HERE on the blog.

Well, this year is different.  The only camera I currently own is an SLR that I only bring to special events/games and is customized which makes it difficult for others to use without a bunch of explaining.  As in, it’s too annoying to lug around to photograph events that I’m also trying to be a part of, and getting pictures with players and stuff doesn’t work well since it would involve showing somebody how to use the camera and all.

The point to all of that?  Here’s one of the few pictures I have from Fanfest:

I have a few more, but all were taken either at the MASN booth or the Orioles free photo set up.  Otherwise, none taken on my phone or anything.  I’ll have to find the other ones I was in throughout the day and post them, but that’s definitely my favorite so far.  Brian Matusz was quite the happy man when talking to people, and took time to really greet every single person in line.  Cool dude.

Will have a “Random Orioles Magic” post up later today as well.  Posted my FIRST ONE a few days ago, and they will get bigger and better as time goes on.  As for a brief description of what they are…well…just totally random really.