Adam Jones Fathead Tradeable Giveaway

Figured I could post the results here with some screenshots for everyone to see…

If you answered AJ’s tweet yesterday (that came from this conversation…) and included me in your mention so I could keep track, your name was one of the 47 picked from.

Screen shot 2012-12-18 at 3.34.18 AM

I used this site, put in all the names, and it randomly picked two out for me.  No favorites, no nothing.

Screen shot 2012-12-18 at 3.41.38 AM

So there ya go. @_stephgreen_ and @CBrumwell. Y’all win some Adam Jones Fatheads.

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If you follow me on Twitter, you will see that I have an extensive collection that I somewhat hoard, so I look forward to doing more scattered giveaways in the future.

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